Holistic Life Coaching
The prime focus of Life and Wellness Coaching is to help people establish healthier and fulfilling lives. We are looking to help you understand, modify and educate you on the way you lead your life.
This process is aimed at helping you with many issues from conflicts in relationships, unresolved pain within yourself, creating your own happiness, determining what true love looks like for you and others in your life. Ashley uses her intuition to guide you in these processes and create the clarity for a specific guidance. Every clients is very different. Here are some more ideas on Holistic Lifestyle coaching:
Soul purpose, how to manifest, establishing core values, boundaries, fear, trauma’s, non-empowering belief systems, anxiety, control issues, stress, grief, love, lack of self-love, relationship issues and many more emotional/spiritual issues that typically manifest as of dysfunction in the physical being.
🗹 Understand or create your personal philosophy so you can evaluate your choices and understanding the power to choose without negative consequences or emotions.
🗹 Help to identify and navigate your purpose, your values, boundaries, and take subsequent action, and follow the next steps that fall within your wants and needs.
🗹 Understand the root of your personal suffering and learn how to live in a paradigm that lifts you up to more compassion for self and others.

Most people do not realize how simple choices effect their overall health. One of the main reasons why coaching, as a concept can be elusive, because there are many ideas about what can be done but what is best for you. Ashley will help you decide and create the power and energy to navigate challenges in life. Holistic Lifestyle coaching represents counseling each individual differently and to identify the hidden reasons you don’t succeed emotionally, spiritually and mentally. It’s often that clients come to see Ashley with specific issue(s) that they would like to work through and resolve for more peace in their life.
Holistic lifestyle coaching is integrative:
🗹 This process is introspective and feeling based. Ashley will support and guide the sessions from a open heart.
🗹 This coaching integrates the mind, body, and spirit with a balanced flow of energy. Ashley offers practices that serve you to move forward.
🗹 Coaching is a safe sacred place to unfold and communicate areas that may cause "stuckness". Ashley will help you become aware of what creates this and how you can become the energetic force you know yourself to be in life.